The interplay between the organic and the geometric is at the heart of the Geo-Organic category. This trend is very closely related to Geometric Form/Organic Matrix, but inverts the relationship between form and structure. Whereas the previous theme employs highly rational, primitive, geometric forms supported by a chaotic cellular internal lattice (like the Water Cube), the Organic Form/Geometric Matrix trend uses flowing, curving, organic volumes constructed from an internal matrix of repeating rigid geometric modules. The type of module can be highly varied (2×4 wood planks, felt spheres, ceramic discs, sheets of translucent plastic, etc.), but is always some basic geometrically-described shape. Also, the repeating internal pattern can range from fairly chaotic to orderly repetition. Overall forms tend to be either subtly or acutely curvaceous, from blob-like volumes to dynamic flowing sheets, but never straight, angular, or rigid. The overall impression of this trend is one of liveliness, motion, flow, and a juxtaposition of both simplicity and complexity. These forms seem alive.  Inspired by the natural world from veins in leaves to the structure within bones, designers have lately used this association (especially in Architecture and Furniture) to create dynamic visual statements. Due to the internal complexity of these structures, manufacturing/assembly can be a challenge. In mimicking what nature does so easily, we have to hand-assemble each matrix module, or as in the case of Trabecula invent new production technologies like 3D-printing to create them. But if these production complexities can be overcome, imagine the possibilities of seeing this trend within the Automotive or Product categories…anyone up for the challenge? We’re looking at you.

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  1. AWOLtrends says:

    For more discussion on this trend, check out this LinkedIn discussion thread:

    (you might have to be a linkedin member to view)
    -AWOL Trends